Showing 25–36 of 43 results

  • La théorie d’Al-Shâtibî



    Theorie d’Al Shatibi L’imam Abu Ishaq al-Shatibi (mort 790A.H/1388), le sujet de cet ouvrage, illustra et inspira des études sur les principes et les finalités da la loi islamique. Ses méthodes offrent une compréhension solide, fondée du Coran et de la Sunnah. Cet ouvrage met en évidence l’importance d’une méthode qui s’appuie sur des universaux législatifs, méthode qui permet de comprendre et d’utiliser des textes donné. Tout acte d’ijtihad et de la pensée islamique repose sur les principes et objectifs universels de la loi islamique.
    AHMAD AL-RAYSUNI est titulaire d’un Doctorat en études Islamiques de l’Université Muhammad al-Khamis, Rabat, Maroc. Il a travaillé au Ministère de la Justice, est l’éditeur du journal al-Tajdid, et est membre de la Jamiyat al-Ulama (l’Association des Savants Musulmans) au Maroc. Le Professeur Raysuni a écrit plusieurs ouvrages et articles sur al-Maqasid en arabe, dont certains ont été traduits en diverses langues. Il enseigne actu­ellement les Usul al-Fiqh et les Maqasid al-Shari‘a au Collège des Arts et Sciences Humaines, Université Muhammad al-Khamis.

  • Le Tawhid a l’origine de la Civilisation Islamique



    Ce livre est une étude sérieuse sur l’origine et l’importance de la civilisation islamique. L’auteur, dans un style qui lui est propre nous démontre que l’élément inaliénable des composants de la civilisation islamique reste le Tawhid, l’affirmation qu’il n’y a de dieu que Dieu. Cette formule explique qu’Allah est le Seigneur et le seul Créateur, tout autre est créature, qu’Il est Unique, Absolu et Transcendant. Donc le Tawhid constitue la source et le facteur déterminant du phénomène de la civilisation Islamique et le caractère unique de l’Unicité de Dieu dans la construction et la refonte de la société. L’essence de la civilisation comprend les trois principes dominants qui sont l’unité, le rationalisme et la tolérance.
    Ismail Rājī al-Fārūqī (1921 au -1986) était un philosophe américano-palestinien, largement reconnu par ses pairs comme une autorité en matière d’islam et de religion comparative. Il a passé plusieurs années à l’université Al-Azhar au Caire, puis a enseigné dans plusieurs universités d’Amérique du Nord, notamment à l’Université McGill de Montréal. Il était professeur de religion à la Temple University, où il a fondé et présidé le programme d’études islamiques. Al-Faruqi était également le fondateur de l’Institut international de la pensée islamique.

  • Liberté de Conscience et Religion



    Liberte de Conscience et Religion:Ce livre traite d’un sujet qui, ces dernieres annees , avait souleve un tolle a l’echelle internationale, surtout dans les medias occidentaux face a la condamnation de Abu Al Mannan en Afghanistan , l’execution de Mohammad Taha au Soudan et l’affaire Rushdie.
    L’auteur prend position contre toute peine legale a l’egard de l’apostasie et se justifie meme en produisant des preuves incontestables dans le Coran et les Hadiths. Ce livre nous invite a un debat stimulant pour tous ceux qui se passionnent pour la chose legale.
    “Pas de contrainte en religion”, enonce le Coran: Proclamation de la liberte humaine, principe fundamental de liberte d’agir, de penser et d’expression!
    Taha Jabir Alalwani (1935-2016), diplômé de l’Université Al-Azhar, est un spécialiste de renommé internationale et un experte dans les domaines de la théorie juridique islamique, de la jurisprudence (fiqh) et de usul al-fiqh. Il est l’auteur de nombreuses oeuvres et a été membre de l’Académie islamique du fiqh de l’OCI et président de l’Université de Cordoba à Ashburn, en Virginie, aux États-Unis

  • Muslim Contributions to World Civilization

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    Islam’s brilliant contributions to science, art, and culture, are a timeless and precious heritage, which should be historically preserved for future generations. The great achievements of Muslim scholars are rarely if at all acknowledged in formal education, and today their identity, origins and impact remain largely obscure. This collection of papers aims to give readers a brief introduction to the intellectual history of Muslims and the contributions that eminent Muslim scholars have made in certain specific fields of knowledge including basic and applied physical and biological sciences, medicine, legal and political theories and practices, economic and financial concepts, models, and institutions, etc. The preservation of civilization necessitates a better understanding, sharing, and recognition of our common human heritage. Given today’s widespread negative stereotyping and falsely generated misunderstanding of Islam and Muslims, the publication of these papers on “Muslim Contributions to World Civilization” is vital to help repair the wrong that is being perpetrated and restore the historical truth, which is being distorted.

  • Qu’est-ce que La Shari‘a?



    Qu’es-ce que La Shari‘a? Qu’est-ce que l’Islam dit ou encore qu’estce que le Coran prescrit sur ceci ou cela ? Ces interrogations font désormais partie intégrante de la sémiologie éditoriale ordinaire. Elles relèvent des traits caractéristiques de notre époque. Aux variantes multiples, elles sont beaucoup moins posées dans des écoles religieuses ou des facultés d’études islamiques que dans les salles de redaction et les studios des médias de masse. L’islam / Islam, la Shari‘a , les fatwa (responsa) etc. ont déjà leur mode d’existence dans l’univers lexical propre à la subjectivité consumériste dominante.
    Mohamed Beddy Ebnou Directeur de l’Advanced Studies Research Centre (ASRC) et de Institute for Epistemological Studies — Europe (IESE), Bruxelles. Il enseigne la finance internationale et la finance islamique à l’Université Paris-Dauphine ainsi qu’à 1’Université de Cergy-Pontoise.

  • Qur’anic Terminology: A Linguistic and Semantic Analysis

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    There is no way to understand the Qur’an properly, or to elucidate as accurately as possible the meaning of its verses, without studying Qur’anic terminology and concepts. Taken together these sum up the universal truths of the Faith (the great moral code), not only animating the text and giving it incredible life, precision, and flexibility, but also enriching the communication of the Qur’anic message through their beautiful and comprehensive nature. This study aims to provide a broad glossary of key Qur’anic terms and set forth these terms’ meanings, both semantically and linguistically, within their Qur’anic context. The format is organized in such a way as to facilitate ease of under-standing, guiding the lay reader carefully and logically through the various nuances of usage and meaning. The meaning of a given Qur’anic term will vary depending on the manner and the context in which it is used, and on the issues and questions in relation to which reference is made to it, and just as a concept gives rise to a term, so also does the term and its usage act to shape the concept. These and other aspects of the Divine communication are mapped and explored, leaving us with a greater appreciation of the Qur’an’s depth and what makes it a linguistic and literary miracle.

  • Rediscovering Prayer Communicating with Allah



    Muslims are required to pray five times a day, but for too many of us these are little more than physical movements devoid of any spirit or divine connection? In contrast with such routine outward performance, the Prophet characterised prayer as “the spiritual ascent (mi[raj) of the believer.” In a modern world of constant distraction, how are we to achieve the communion with the Divine that prayer is supposed to be? How can we reach the state of the Prophet who would ask his Companion Bilal to give the call to prayer with the expression: “Give us repose through it, O Bilal.” The present short but valuable work provides us with the answer.
    Dr Bassam Saeh, a scholar of the Arabic language, casts a refreshing new perspective on prayer in the modern context. With practical examples, and in contemporary idiom, he charts a path for the seeker of God’s pleasure to attain a deeper sense of consciousness and devotion in prayer. The short chapters of this work are designed to be read and reread as constant reminders for us to renew our commitment to the Divine in our prayer.
    Dr Bassam Saeh holds a BA in Arabic literature from Damascus University, and an MA & PhD in modern Arabic poetry from Cairo University. He has taught at a number of universities across the Middle East and Europe. In 1990 he founded the Oxford Academy for Advanced Studies and served as its principal until 2005. He has also been a presenter of several radio and TV programs, and has authored a number of books. He currently resides in Oxford, England.

  • Rethinking Muslim Woman & The Veil: Challenging Historical & Modern Stereotypes

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    A powerful critique of the popular western notion that the veil is a symbol of Muslim women’s oppression. In postulating a positive theory of the hijâb, the author challenges with great sophistication both the commonly held view of Muslim women being subjugated by men, as well as the liberal feminists’ who criticize the choice of women to cover themselves as ultimately unliberating.

    The author argues that in a culture of consumerism, the hijâb can be experienced as a liberation from the tyranny of the beauty myth and the thin “ideal” woman.

    In dispelling some widely held myths about Muslim women and the hijâb, the author introduces respectability to the voice of believing Muslim women, claiming that liberation and the equality of women are fundamental to Islam itself.

  • Reviving The Balance: The Authority of The Qur’an and The Status of The Sunnah

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    This work studies the position of the Sunnah in Islam and its fundamental relationship to the Qur’an. The author carefully examines the sensitive issue of the development of the oral and written traditions, the problems scholars faced despite painstaking work verifying the authenticity of reports, the character of narrators, etc. and the evergrowing complexity of a body of narratives that were making the simplicity and clarity of the Prophet’s life, words, and actions, a burgeoning maze of information. Taking the praiseworthy intention and effort to emulate the Prophet into account, the author nevertheless makes the case that once the Sunnah had been collected, the Muslim community began to neglect the Qur’an in favor of narrations of what the Prophet had done and said on the pretext that such narratives “contained” the Qur’an. Eventually they then abandoned the Sunnah narratives in favor of Islamic jurisprudence on the pretext that Islamic juristic texts tacitly included both the Qur’an and the Sunnah. It is with the aim of restoring the relationship between the two that this work has been written, that is, the Prophetic Sunnah must be tied inextricably to the Qur’an in a way that allows for no contradiction or conflict between the two, to avoid misapplication and abuse of hadith, and to meet the requirements and challenges of a new age.

  • Soulful Deeds: A Roadmap for Teenage Muslim



    Soulful Deeds: A roadmap for Teenage Muslims: is is an educator’s guide aimed at a teenage audience who is on the cusp of discovering life. It is our duty to guide teenagers in the right direction and this book provides the tools to undertake this mission. As part of an inclusive learning, various teaching tools and concepts have been developed as sub-concepts from the main Islamic philosophy of truthfulness. To help students in their intrinsic search for self and other necessities, they must improve their metacognitive skills that are inherent in every human being. The metaprocess, which indicates going beyond our present state or capacity, is an important factor in developing several areas of learning such as insight and awareness, curiosity and creativity, as well as the ability to reach out to others. Young people must learn to live in a conscious state of global awareness of Allah and remain faithful to the teachings of the Quran. This educational book, with its variety of outstanding concepts and activities, aims to embark students on a journey towards truth so that they realise their true worth as representatives of Allah on earth, for truth is the central idea that guides all good intentions and good deeds, and which ultimately transforms the doers of good deeds into excellent beings.
    Dr. Ammaara Uddeen Maniacara holds a PhD in the Philosophy of Religious Studies, a Masters cum laude degree in Islamic Studies, BA in Communication Science as well as a Certificate in Intercultural and Interfaith Programme for Ethics Education. She also holds a Masters’ degree in French Language in addition to Certificates in Public Relations, Journalism and atelier d’écriture. Additionally, she is an international translator of Islamic issues and has authored several Islamic books in French. She has more than
    20 years of experience in teaching, which is her main profession. She is also a Neuro Linguistic Programming practitioner and an Islamic counsellor for children, adolescents, and ladies. Her mission is to accompany and guide them in their intrinsic search for self and other necessities, with love and happiness, to enable them to integrate the society with sound values.


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    Studies in Islamic Civilization draw upon the works of Western scholars to make the case that without the tremendous contribution of the Muslim world there would have been no Renaissance in Europe. For almost a thousand years Islam was arguably one of the leading civilizations of the world spanning a geographic area greater than any other.

    It eliminated social distinctions between classes and races, made clear that people should enjoy the bounties of the earth provided they did not ignore morals and ethics, and rescued knowledge that would have been lost, if not forever, then at least for centuries. The genius of its scholars triggered the intellectual tradition of Europe and for over seven hundred years its language, Arabic, was the international language of science.

    Strange then that its legacy lies largely ignored and buried in time. In the words of Aldous Huxley, Great is truth, but still greater, from a practical point of view, is silence about truth. By simply not mentioning certain subjects… propagandists have influenced opinion much more effectively than they could have by the most eloquent denunciations.

    Studies in Islamic Civilization is a compelling attempt to redress this wrong and restore the historical truths of a golden age that ushered in the Islamic renaissance, and as a by-product of that of the West. In doing so it gives a bird s eye view of the achievements of a culture that at its height was considered the model of human progress and development.

  • The Miraculous Language of the Qur’an: Evidence of Divine Origin

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    This study illustrates why the language of the Qur’an is miraculous, unique, and evidence of divine authority. The author compares the language of the Qur’an with the language of preIslamic poetry, the Prophet’s words (hadith), and the language of the Arabs both past and present, to demonstrate that although the Qur’an was revealed in Arabic it was at the same time an Arabic which was entirely new. Original and early Muslim audiences viewed this as miraculous and responded to the Qur’an’s words, sounds, rhythms, etc. in a manner consistent with a deeper appreciation of its beauty and majesty which modern ears, trained by familiarity, and despite being surrounded by all manner of dictionaries and studies, are at a loss to capture. The author attempts to remove this veil and present the Qur’an to readers as if hearing it for the first time, to bring to life some of this wonder. In doing so he guides readers to appreciate the beauty of the Qur’an, to become more immersed in it, and to have a clearer understanding of its structure and flow. Devoting special attention to Surah Al Muddaththir (Chapter 74), to underpin his analysis, Saeh thus brings the Revelation to life, to demonstrate that each surah has distinct features and characteristics that make it stand out uniquely within the design and sweep of the whole.