An Educators’ Guide to Teaching Islamic Studies Grades 10 –11 Based on Cambridge O-Level Islamic Studies 2068 Syllabus PART 1
A Guide for O-Level Islamic Studies for Educators and Students is a guide written to assist educators to teach the Islamic Studies subject to students of Grades 10-11 who are following the Cambridge O-Level Islamic Studies 2068 Syllabus.
This Guide presents the key topics to be covered in Paper 1 and Paper 2 under each of the following three sections, respectively:
Paper 1 History and Scriptures
- Section A: Arabia in the Pre-Islamic Period
- Section B: Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)
- Section C: Texts from the Holy Qur’an and Hadith
Paper 2 Development, Sources, Beliefs and Observances
- Section A: The Caliphate Period/The Four Pious Caliphs
- Section B: The History and Importance of the Qur’an and Hadith
- Section C: Beliefs, Practices and Rituals